The Anaconda prompt behaves nearly identically to the Windows terminal (AKA cmd, command line, etc.) but it’s configured to have access to all of Anaconda’s added tools. Then, select the Anaconda Prompt program to open the Anaconda terminal. To access the prompt on Windows, open the Windows start menu and start typing ‘Anaconda Prompt’. I find it easiest to use Anaconda with the Anaconda Prompt.
#Anaconda python 3 install location windows code#
If you use an IDE like Visual Studio Code or P圜harm it’s a good idea to check the box to ‘Register Anaconda3 as my default Python 3.x’.Confirm the installation’s destination folder, or select a new installation folder, and click ‘Next’.Select ‘Just Me’ to install for your user profile.Click ‘I Agree’ to accept the license agreement (it’s recommended you read this agreement).Click ‘Next’ when the installation dialog opens to proceed with installation.
#Anaconda python 3 install location windows .exe#
exe file you downloaded from the website. The steps below walk through installing Anaconda for Windows. If you are unsure which option to select, it is best to go with the default, or recommended, setting. The install prompts may differ between operating systems. Once the installer for your operating system has been downloaded, run the installer. The installer can be a little large (about 500 MB) so it may take a few minutes to download. The individual version of Anaconda is designed for anyone who will not use Anaconda as an enterprise (which is nearly everyone). To start, go to and download the proper ‘Individual’ version for your operating system. This article will walk you through the steps to install Anaconda so you can get started working on your projects! Download the Anaconda Installer Anaconda will take up 1-3 gigabytes of your system memory, depending on its exact specifications at the time you install. It is also available for Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems, which makes it easy to share code. The downside to the Anaconda distribution is that it is quite a large distribution. If you’re the kind of person that wants to work on a project without worrying about compatibility between dependencies or building open-source packages from source, then Anaconda will probably be a helpful tool for you. Anaconda is a Python distribution with additional tools to make it easy to manage Python environments and packages.